Searing Gorge

Report to Jack Rockleg at Thorium Advance in the Searing Gorge. Screenshots (Alpha) Alpha screenshots are an early preview of the expansion. A lot of stuff could be missing depending on the zone and the quality of the water might be slightly lower than what you will get in the final game. All zones will eventually have up to date screenshots. Searing gorge is a medium to high level zone located almost at the center of the Eastern Kingdoms and nestled between the dwarven starting land of Dun Morogh and The Burning Steppes. As its name might suggest, the entire zone is a charred, burning hellscape, within a deep foreboding valley. The Searing Gorge is a contested zone in the Eastern Kingdoms for players in the 43-52 range. It is home to a group of exceptionally stout dwarves called the Thorium Brotherhood, who have split from the Dark Iron clan.

  1. Searing Gorge Key
  2. Searing Gorge Quests
  3. Searing Gorge Flight Point

Searing Gorge is a zone on the continent of Eastern Kingdoms in the World of Warcraft game. The zone has a wasteland environmental feel to it. . Searing Gorge has quests for players leveled 43-50. The area is not controlled by either faction and has quests for both factions. There are 7 dungeons and raids located in this zone.

Searing Gorge is a volcanic wasteland zone on the Eastern Kingdoms continent. The main inhabitants are the Dark Iron Dwarves who are hostile to both The Alliance and The Horde. Although in Battle for Azeroth, the Iron Dwarves have become a friendly playable faction for the Alliance, they are still hostile in this zone so be aware.

There is a friendly faction of the Dark Iron Dwarves known as the Thorium Brotherhood who players are able to obtain reputation with. The Brotherhood will supply the players with quests from their based in the north of the zone, Thorium Point.

At the southern end of the zone is the Blackrock Mountain which is a large tall mountain which contains a number of dungeons and raids for the players. The Blackrock Mountains connects this zone and Burning Steppes to the south.

At the heart of the zone is the Cauldron which is a large canyon with caves. The canyon has a large number of caves for quests and exploring.

How to get to Searing Gorge

There is a path through to the Badlands and from there, there is a path north to Loch Modan which is next to the starting zone of the Dwarves, Dun Morogh. The zone is easy to get to for the Alliance even though it is a little tedious unless you have flight or the flight point.

For the Horde, the journey is a long and even more tedious route, the player will have to go to Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows and then walk up there, trying to avoid the Alliance settlements where the guards will kill you on sight.

Map of Searing Gorge

List of Searing Gorge Dungeons and Raids

DungeonTypeLevelHeroic Level
Blackrock DepthsDungeon52-60N
Upper Blackrock SpireRaid60N
Lower Blackrock SpireDungeon58N
Blackrock CavernsDungeon77-80Y
Blackwing DescentRaid85Y
Molten CoreRaid60N
Blackwing LairRaid85Y

Searing Gorge Key

Searing Falls
Pillars of Eternity
Location ID

Searing Falls is a wilderness area in Pillars of Eternity.

Background[edit | edit source]

A geologically unique area that is home to drakes and the xaurips worshiping them.

Searing Gorge Quests

Points of interest[edit | edit source]

  • It can be accessed by traveling south from the Woodend Plains. Several Drakes and Young Drakes can be found here, as well as a few groups of Xaurips, seeking the proximity of the great wurms.
  • The cave can be accessed and is related to the Cinders of Faith quest.

Quests[edit | edit source]

Enemies[edit | edit source]

Searing gorge entrance


  • Drakes


  • Blights

Searing Gorge Flight Point


  • Xaurips

Plants[edit | edit source]

  • 2x Admeth's Wyrt
  • 2x Blood Moss
  • 1x Pilgrim's Crown
  • 1x Settler's Arrow

Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]

  • Searing Falls was conceptualized early in the game, but implemented late in the development. Out of an ambitious, visually unique and multi-level dungeon it became a memorable, but small location tied to the high-level Cinders of Faith quest.[1]

References[edit source]

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