Long Sudarshan Kriya By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has founded courses that provide techniques and tools to live a deeper, more joyous life. He has established nonprofit organizations that recognize a common human identity above the boundaries of race, nationality and religion. His goal is to uplift people around the globe, to reduce stress, and to develop leaders so that human values can flourish in people and communities.

Happiness Program and Sudarshan Kriya

Tag: sudarshan kriya. 5 Steps to Healthier Living. Health is not merely an absence of disease. Health is being established in the Self. Guided meditation by Sri.

Sudarshan kriya pdf

Sudarshan kriya - Most Powerful Yoga Breathing Exercise (Pranayama) This is different from Sudarshan kriya which is tought in Sri Sri Ravi Shankar happiness. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar expounds on the best ways to face challenges and how to remain calm, mindful even in the middle of a challenge. Watch the latest addition in our recorded sessions: Gurudev's commentary on Bhagavad Gita Ch-18, The Final Liberation! Visit Art of Living Live. Sudarshan Kriya is a powerful technique introduced by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. God gifted every one with Brain and is same for every one.But the Brain power improvement depends on how a person.

Live with joy, purpose and confidence.

Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Happiness Program this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are. You find you have the power to create a joyous life that is on-purpose, the confidence to stretch and grow beyond limiting beliefs, and the ability to lead a deeply fulfilling life.

Sri Sri Ravi

As an Art of Living Happiness Program participant you will learn to master several practical and powerful tools that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

The key to happiness is under your nose

Discover the secrets of breath


Have you ever noticed breathing patterns change according to the feelings you are having? When you are angry, which rhythm does your breath assume? A series of shallow and short breaths. What about when you are relaxed and joyful? You take long, deep breaths. The obvious conclusion is that the breath is influenced by how we feel, but can our negative emotions be transformed by using the breath? Certainly.

Restore life’s natural rhythm of happiness with Sudarshan Kriya®

Ancient knowledge in contemporary application

At the core of the Art of Living Happiness program is a unique and profound breathing technique. A practical tool that restores body, mind and spirit into its natural rhythm of being, the Sudarshan Kriya has positively transformed millions and millions of lives.

Along with Sudarshan Kriya, other powerful breathing techniques, yoga and meditation taught in the interactive sessions of the Happiness Program is all that you need for an experience of happiness like never before.

Sudarshan Kriya Counts

Read more about Sudarshan Kriya®

How To Do Sudarshan Kriya By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Read more about The Art of Living Happiness Program