Phishing Html Code For Facebook

Facebook hacking html code. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Phishing Tool for 18 social media: Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Github, Twitter, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin, Wordpress, Origin, Steam, Microsoft. Facebook Phishing Page. This webpage uses fake facebook login button to phish the victim account, the passwords can be seen on passwords.php, you must host this on a real Apache web server to see the magic. And yes you can host this on a free server, and it does not get traced down by the automated phishing page detector:).

Disclaimer: This Guide is made for Educational Purposes only. We don’t have intentions to harm any Facebook user, a single entity or organization. This post may help you to know a little bit about Hacking, Stealing Facebook Password and How to Recover the Account if you forgot the password.

A Basic Guide Towards Hacking:

Hacking a Facebook Account isn’t as easy you think. It requires a lot of patient & time. Back to 2010 when Anyone can steal someone’s else password, today it is very difficult – almost impossible but not to worry much because we have got some Tricks you can really steal someone’s password. Before going into details, we should know how facebook Algorithm works.

Facebook Algorithms & Security:

In a recent Facebook Algorithm Update, Facebook uses Public-key cryptography for encryption. Asymmetric key algorithm unlike symmetric key, that uses only one key to encrypt and decrypt – uses two public key and private key to encrypt and decrypt.

  1. Public Key (For Encryption)
  2. Private Key (For Decryption)

We cannot compute private keys based on public keys. This is because the public keys allow users a convenient method for encrypting content and verifying digital signatures. While on the other hand, private keys are very secret and only the owner of the private keys can decrypt content and create digital signatures.

If Facebook uses very strong & powerful encryption techniques then how hackers are able to steal the password? Well, the answer is very simple. People use very common passwords for multiple sites. And these passwords can be accessed very easily.

For example, you use a very common password for multiple sites like the same password for facebook account and the same password for logging in some other website. Hackers simply steal your password from other sites and use it to access your Facebook account. If you are using the same password for multiple sites as well as for facebook account then your password can be stolen. List of Apk also provides such tools if you need!

Different Working Methods for Stealing Facebook Password:

Below are various methods to Hack Facebook Account. The least effective method is to use sniper 2019 APK. Facebook Phishing can be very effective to grab someone’s password – Facebook Hacking Html Code is one of the examples of Phishing techniques.

(1) Facebook Password Sniper:

The Very Least Effect method to crack Facebook Password is to use Facebook Password Sniper Apk. Download the Sniper App from Google Drive by clicking the above link. Install the APK, if it cannot initiate then you need to give permissions by enabling “Install the app from unknown sources“.

You can always know How Facebook Sniper APK Works?

You can also use Facebook Sniper Password Online but we recommend to use the mobile application. This App is only working for Android. If you are an iPhone user then you somehow need an Android platform to access this app.

(2) Using Facebook Hacking Html Code

The very effective method to steal someone’s password is to use a web page just like facebook front Page. Whenever a user will enter his/her credentials. This Webpage will store respective username and password on your database. Then you can have access that password by simply accessing your database where this webpage stored that the information.

How to Use this Html Code?

To Steal Someone’s password, first of all, you need to send this Facebook Html webpage. The guaranty to steal the password is only when a user enters the credentials into that page. If the user does not enter his/her credentials then you cannot steal the password.

Facebook Hacking Html Code Pdf

Get the pdf version of Facebook Hacking Html Code – Details of how, nowadays, users can have a facebook account with no prior knowledge.

Facebook Hacking Html Code Free Download

Note! Below Phishing Code is only for Educational Purposes. Steps to Use this code

  1. Go to Download Page
  2. At Download Page – Read the instructions carefully
Posted by in Hacking Tutorial | 165 comments

Type : Tutorial

Level : Medium – Hard

After wrote some tutorials about hacking facebook :

There's some readers ask about phishing technique. This tutorial continued from my last tutorial about 'Hacking Facebook Password Account' in phishing section.

What is phishing?

According to Wikipedia :

Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

To make it simple, let's say that facebook phishing is a way to make and create fake facebook website according to the real website for negative purpose, such as : stealing credentials, data, etc.

Okay…to make it more simple, let's start the tutorial….hands on will make us understand better isn't it? 😀 LoL

Requirement :

1. facebook offline files (you can view our previous tutorial number 2 in link above)

Do you know that we have the new update for fake facebook hacking tutorial? view the tutorial here

Step by Step Tutorial Hacking Facebook using Phishing Method :

Phishing Html Code For Facebook

Before you start, we wrote this is just for education purpose and we're not responsible if someday you use this for negative purpose and FBI or Interpol looking for you as a criminal and jail will be ready for you. !!Please remember this!!

1. In this tutorial about Hacking facebook using phishing method we will use as free web hosting service, but you can choose the other most suitable with you.

Update!! : we got a comment from hosting representatives that you can't use this hosting for phishing purpose in case you use it for phishing, they will suspend and terminated your we remove the link, and you can just find the suitable another free hosting. 🙂

Click 'Buat Akun' on the top right side page, You can register your account there.

2. The next step you can fill the required data there.

3. After step 3 they will send you an activation link to your e-mail and your account will be activated. If your account already activated you can click on 'Beralih' button to go to your hosting control panel.

4. Inside your hosting control panel, on 'File' section click 'File Manajer 1'(file management) to upload the file.

5. Inside your file management, click on 'public_html' to go into your web root folder.

6. Inside public_html folder, you can upload all the data here so it can be accessed worldwide. In this page you can choose which upload method you want to use, there's 'Upload', 'Java Upload', 'Flash Upload' you can choose which one most suitable for you. Don't forget to ZIP all of the content before uploading so it can be extracted later.

7. The next step is extracting the data we already upload on last step. Tick the ZIP file and click UNZIP to extract the data.

8. Here's the data after all the data extracted.

9. Yep everything has been set up correctly until this step. The next step we need to configure the database. Go to this link and click on 'Tool Penting' section and click 'Database MySQL'

10. The next step you need to fill in your database information in this page such as database name, database username, and so on…


When you finished, click 'Buat' button to create the user and database.

11. Now you will have a new database and new user, you need to go to your 'phpmyadmin' window by clicking the link to upload the database. Don't forget the 'Host MySQL' address, my address was

12. After everything finished, now in phpMyAdmin window, click on 'import' tab. Don't forget to download the database file below

and then click browse and upload the database you've just download before, and click 'Go' when finished.

Phishing Html Code For Facebook Posts

13. When you finished everything, now time to modify login.php file and view.php file. Open that file using your favourite text editor(such as:notepad, dreamweaver, gedit, etc).

Don't forget to change the 'localhost' to address that described on step 11 (your configuration with our configuration maybe different 😀 )

When you finished edited that two file, you should upload that file and replace existed file (repeat step 6).

14. Well done! now you can check the address. Here's our screenshot when access the page.


15. When user input their e-mail and password, the fake facebook website will forward it to the wrong password page like this.

Free phishing tools

16. To view harvested e-mail and password, you can check on


Countermeasures :

1. Look carefully the address when you open a website that ask for your credentials. It's better you type it by yourself 😛

2. Change your password (and all the same password:e-mail, twitter, etc) ASAP when you know this attack happen

3. Maybe you can try one of this securing internet activity method 🙂

4. Install URL advisor(usually this you can get from antivirus for free) but not too effective.

Hope you found it useful 🙂

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Phishing Html Code For Facebook Password

Hacking Tutorial, Tips and Trick

Phishing Html Code For Facebook Accounts

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